Welcome to our Design and Technology curriculum page where you will find a range of information about Design and Technology at Endeavour Academy.  Our subject leader for DT is Mrs Torrence


As designers, children at Endeavour Academy are able to use creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. They learn how to take risks, be resourceful, be innovative and develop an understanding of the impact Design and Technology has had upon the wider world and daily life in the past as well as present day. They evaluate existing products and designers to inspire them to create their own ideas and designs and develop the creative and practical mind-set needed to successfully participate in an ever increasingly technological world. 


Characteristics of a Designer at Endeavour

An Endeavour designer will have:

  • A passion for DT and an excellent attitude to learning.
  • The ability to use time efficiently and work constructively and productively with others and independently.
  • The ability to carry out thorough research, show initiative and ask questions to develop a detailed knowledge of users’ needs.
  • The willingness to take creative risks to produce innovative ideas and prototypes.
  • The ability to act as responsible designers and makers, working ethically, using finite materials carefully and working safely.
  • A thorough knowledge of which tools, equipment and materials to use to make their products.
  • The ability to apply mathematical, scientific and artistic knowledge to their designs and prototypes.
  • The ability to manage risks well to manufacture products safely and hygienically.



Through a variety of creative and practical activities we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in an iterative process of designing and making. At Endeavour, Design and Technology is taught through a topic focus at identified points throughout the year enabling the children to develop their learning through a range of relevant contexts.  Our whole school overview of learning for Design and Technology can be viewed below and is used by staff to reinforce, build upon and make links between prior learning in turn supporting pupils to know more and remember more on their journey through school.

DT - Overview

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Teaching and learning in Design and Technology is organised around school identified key concepts that we refer to as ‘big ideas’.  These big ideas enable us to focus our attention on the most meaningful content which for DT we have identified as:

  • Designing
  • Making
  • Evaluating
  • Technical knowledge

Knowledge, skills and understanding in DT is developed around these same ideas and built progressively year on year.  Our school progression documents illustrate how this is mapped out across school.

DT - Progression

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At Endeavour Academy we are committed to using opportunities within DT to educate our pupils to be the best versions of themselves in order to become valuable and fully rounded members of society. Our DT curriculum is designed to encompass meaningful SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) development and promote British Values through a variety of engaging learning experiences.  For example:

You can read more about our integrated approach to personal development through DT below.

DT - Personal Development

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The DT subject leader, supported by the Head teacher and Senior Leaders, takes responsibility for ensuring children are progressing as expected in DT. They regularly monitor planning and children’s work to evaluate curriculum delivery and standards. Teachers complete DT assessments termly and this data is used by the DT leader to inform curriculum developments. Pupils are also regularly asked to reflect on their learning.  Some examples of this can be seen below.

  •  ‘We learn DT to design, create and make products. In our Bridges topic, we learnt what shapes make structures more stable using sweets and toothpicks. If I wanted to be an engineer when I am older, I would know techniques of how to make or fix things and how to design things for a purpose.’ (Y6 Pupil)
  • ‘I learnt how to build things like a car. We learnt how to make the wheels turn’. I designed mine as a taxi’ (Y2 Pupil)
  • ‘We learn DT through projects and this makes it exciting. DT helps us build up our creativity to help us be a designer. In year 3, we learnt to use different stitching techniques to create a Christmas stocking. We designed our stocking and then made it using safe needles to sew.’ (Year 4 pupil)



As part of our commitment to raising aspirations for all pupils we want to develop an understanding in our pupils of how learning DT can be useful to them in their everyday lives (see pupil voice above) or in their future careers. Here are some jobs pupils can aspire to as designers:

  • Sound engineer
  • Theme park designer
  • Video games studies researcher 
  • Lego designer
  • Den builder
  • Jewellery designer
  • Architect

More ideas can be found at https://www.firstcareers.co.uk/



One of the best ways to support your child with design and technology is to design and make things together at home.  Why not try…

  1. Getting messy using household objects creatively
    Instead of buying materials, let your children get creative using things around the house – for example, boxes, yoghurt cartons and lollipops to create structures.  What different ways can you fix them together?  How could they be decorated?
  2. Celebrating your child’s creations
    Praise your child’s creations and encourage them not to get disheartened if they feel they have made ‘mistakes’. Explain that DT is about being creative and trying out different things. There is no right or wrong way to do things. You could even take a photo and ‘frame’ their creations using coloured paper or card and create a little gallery on the kitchen wall or in their bedroom to display their work.
  3. Discussing and enjoying DT together
    Go for a walk in your local area and look at structures and designs and discuss these.  What shapes and materials are they made of?  Who are they designed for? What makes them suitable for the people they are designed for?  How could they be changed or improved?
  4. Healthy eating and cooking
    Let your child join you in the kitchen and experiment with different foods and techniques. Teach them about eating healthy and how to have a well-balanced diet. You can encourage them to try new foods and come up with their own recipe designs, they could design their recipe then create this using a written method. Whilst creating their recipe you could teach them vital skills such as chopping, dicing and stirring.



Nurturing a passion for DT through reading is also a key priority at Endeavour and the books below can foster children’s imagination and creativity and teach them valuable DT concepts and ideas in a creative and engaging way.

Yasmin the Builder

William Bee’s Wonderful World of Trucks

The Story of the London Underground

Great British Railways

You Can’t Call an Elephant in an Emergency

The Homes We Build


Chef Academy



This Cookbook is Gross

It all starts with a seed

Screws, Nuts and Bolts


Wheels and Axles
